The following was the first of four columns originally written for, and published in, Enrichment, more than 25 years ago. Its perspective was that of a layman looking at ministry and its message is perhaps even more relevant today. Enrichment was a magazine for Assemblies of God ministers.
Dear Pastor:
Please forgive us for not writing earlier to express our appreciation to you for being our pastor. We want you to know that the influence of your ministry and the model of your life mean more to us than can be expressed in an occasional hallway thank you. Too many times we don’t stop to think of all the unseen contributions you make and the sacrifice you pay to make them.
We do not appreciate the depth of your work. We do not appreciate your fatigue.
We do not encourage you as we should. We fail to properly express our thanks. We are undisciplined in our prayer for you.
Forgive us for not honoring all you do and taking you for granted.
Thank you for being there — for the times your evenings are interrupted by the telephone’s intrusive ring and your rest is shortened by an unscheduled late-night trip.
Thank you for your weekends that are punctuated by the joy of weddings, and your vacations that are cut short by the sorrow of funerals. Thank you for being all too familiar with hospital corridors, waiting rooms, and nursing homes.
Thank you for the peaceful spirit you bring into the first anxious moments that surround sudden loss.
Thank you for your listening ear and godly counsel.
Thank you for ensuring that our young children are properly cared for and our teens are affirmed in their journey to adulthood. Thank you for teaching them the simple truth that one day will be more important than any other: Jesus loves me, this I know.
Thank you for praying with and for our family during hard times and for sharing our joy and laughter when the darkness lifts.
Thank you for choosing to patiently love the part of us that God is disciplining and not abandon us to our failures.
Thank you for enduring all-night graduation parties and junior high camps.
Thank you for the example of your life and the precious gift of your time.
Thank you for being a friend.
Thank you for working through your own seasons of discouragement when God seems far off. Thank you for keeping on when the fruit of your labor does not appear to be an abundant harvest.
Thank you for enduring unfair criticism while embracing criticism that is uncomfortable but constructive. Thank you for the spirit of servanthood you reflect.
Thank you for sowing peace. Thank you for the integrity of your witness and for being strong enough to value the strength that comes only from being broken.
Our list of “thank yous” is endless.
Pastor, continue to serve for your service pleases Him. Continue on the path He has shown you. Do not weary at the challenge, but draw strength from His provision.
Thank you for being obedient to His calling.